Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Trying to be Wonder Woman

I am frustrated today. My co-worker has been away sick for the past 2 days, so I have had to pick up some of her duties. I actually don't mind, I like to stay busy, but within reason. However, this is still a fairly new position for me, so I am not totally confident in my work. Of course I keep running into anomalies, which for someone who has been here long enough, would be no biggie, but it just seems like nothing is straight forward today. As a result I am falling behind and the work keeps piling up. For the past two days, I have wanted to go to the gym at lunch and do cardio, but I have been too busy to take a lunch. I find it frustrating because then I feel like I have to make up those cardio sessions later this week and my week is already full as it is (as it always is). Since Wes works tonight, going to the gym is not an option, so I will have to do cardio at home. Not my preference that is for sure. I have a ton of other things that I need to do eventually, sleep being only one of them. Laundry to put away, chicken to be cut up, weighed and packaged, meatloaf to be packaged, dinner dishes to clean up, plus all the regular stuff that goes along with trying to get Tay bathed, teeth brushed, jammies on and get her to sleep. Sometimes, I just wish I could come home and park my butt on the couch and do nothing all evening, except watch TV. But the guilt would kill me, I am sure. How do people do it? Sometimes it feels like I am expected to be Wonder Woman or something. Not sure who expects this, but I often feel like a failure because I am not.

1 comment:

  1. Ummm, It's YOU who expects you to be wonder woman. And only YOU who would be disappointed if you aren't perfect. Take a breath, a break and enjoy your life before it is over!
