Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Theory of Threes

I have a bit of a theory when it comes to changing habits, whether it is starting a new/good habit like eating healthy or exercising, or quitting a bad habit, like smoking. Everything seems to work in threes. I have found that the third day tends to be the hardest in either case. If you can make it past the third day, you are off to a good start. After that, I find the third week is another hump. I have always heard that it takes 3 weeks to change a habit. If I can make it past three weeks, I am set. Now if I can make it to three months, then I know I have been successful. I have even noticed this when I try to change a routine for Tay as well. I might be able to get her to sleep in her own bed for 1 or 2 nights, but if I can get her in her own bed for three nights in a row, I am laughing!

With the theory of threes in mind, I find it marginally easier to change my habits. Today is day 3 of this challenge, so I am prepared to feel the need to cave. Now if I can stick with this program for three weeks straight, I might just have to have myself a party! (Diet friendly of course!)

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