Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Christmas Wish List....

I figured with all the snow and beatiful winter weather we have been having, I should get my Christmas wish list together. That was sarcasm, in case you didn't recognize it.

Well I did it. I ran on the treadmill at lunch, and I didn't die. Ok, so I only managed 25 minutes (due to time constraints), but it felt good. I bought some new running shoes yesterday and they are so comfy. I also bought a Nike+iPod Sensor. I haven't had a chance to check it out in depth, but from what I can tell you stick one part in the sole of your shoe and the other end plugs into your iPod. It will track your distance, pace and calories burned. Pretty cool hey? I am stoked about running again. Hopefully I can keep that enthusiasm.

I went for a massage last night after the gym. My therapist focuses mostly on my legs, and has been working on my knees. Since I started seeing her, I have noticed the pain in my knees has been diminishing. She massaged the crap out of my calves and butt. It actually feels like I did a leg workout yesterday instead of an upper body workout. Today is lower body, and I am already sore.

Face Pulls 70lbs x 12 x 3
Scap Pushups 20 x 2
Pulldown Scap Depression 70lbs x 12 x 2
Tricep Pressdown 70lbs x 12 x 2

Bench Press 45/55/65/85/90 lbs x 5
Bentover BB Row 65/75/80/85/90 lbs x 5
Standing DB Shoulder Press 25lbs x 8 x 3
Pulldown 90lbs x 12 x 2
Poorboy Shoulder Horn 10lbs x 15 x 2

Monday, April 27, 2009

Searching for my Marbles

I think I have lost a few of them. I agreed to run a 10 km race with my friend on June 20th. The race is called Underwear Affair and we will run the race in our skivvies. I have to raise $300 in order to qualify to race, that alone frightens me, because I hate asking for pledges. The race is to raise funds for cancers below the waist, hence the underwear theme. I used to run, years ago before Taylor. I loved running, I loved the runner's high. I did an 8km road race about 6 years ago and have not really run since. I also ended up with pain in my IT band, which is what prevented me from continuing. Hopefully, this time around I can be a little more diligent in stretching and massaging my IT band, and be able to ward off any knee injuries. I am scared and excited for this. Scared that I am going to fall flat on my ass around the 2 km mark (or really any time during the race), and I am afraid I will not be able to raise enough money for the run (although, I could top it up if I had to, I just don't really want to). But I am excited at the challenge and at the prospect of getting back into running again, and to be able to do this with a really close friend. Now, I just have to figure out how I am going to try to squeeze in the training for this, into the rest of my schedule. I will likely have to cut out some of my strength training sessions and do running instead. Oh well, nice change. Actually, before my friend even asked me about it, I had been toying with the idea to attempt a triathalon. I think the 10km race is a better option, since I really don't know how to swim.

Workout for Sunday
Glute activation and Hip Mobility stuff

RDL 95/105/115/135/145lbs x 5
Leg Press 270lbs x 10 x 3
Split Squat 75lbs 12 x 2
Cable cross chop 30lbs x 15 x 2 (I really have no idea what the name for this exercise is, so this is what I have called it. I know what I am talking about)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Esplanade (v.), to attempt an explanation while drunk

I had a pretty good workout at the gym yesterday, I even got in a bit of cardio. My legs and arse are still very sore, so I will not be training lower body until Sunday. I may have the opportunity to get there tonight and if I do, I will do a long cardio session and maybe some isolated weight training. Oh, and definitely a lot of stretching!


Bent over Flyes (DB) 10lbs x 12 x 3
Lying One Arm DB Protractions 20 x 20 x 2
Pulldown 75lbs x 12 x 2
Scap Push Up 20 x 2

Military Press 45/50/55/60/65lbs x 5
Chin Up BW x 5 x 5
Seated Cable Rows 105lbs x 8 x 3
Incline DB Press 25lbs x 12 x 2
Alt. Front Raise 10 x 12 x 2
Shoulder Roll 10 x 3

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Kinky Cushions

OMFG! I feel like someone has done the Mexican Hat Dance on my arse! I have been training, honestly, I just have not gotten around to posting my last 4 or 5 workouts, no point in doing it now. I did a deload program last week and have started back on a 5 x 5 plan (or something along those lines). Last night was lower body, and I really didn't think I was doing that much more then I usually do, but I obviously pushed myself because I HURT! I was hurting and stiff and felt like barfing by the time I left the gym. For the rest of the night, my entire body felt like it was quivering and weak.


Glute activation and hip mobility work

Full Squats 95/105/115/125/135 lbs x 5
BB High Step Up 75 lbs x 10 x 3 (these were the buggers that fried my ass)
Pullthroughs 90lbs x 12 x 2
Standing Cable Crunch 70lbs x 10 x 3

In other news..... A couple weeks ago, I finally went and saw an orthodontist about possibly getting braces again. I say again because I had braces when I was 15. I only had them on my front 6 teeth and only for less then 4 months. Unfortunately, the wire holding everything in place broke and my dentist at the time did not feel it needed to be fixed. Fast forward 17 years and my teeth are now back to where they were. Actually, they have been this way for a while. So, I went for my consultation expecting to hear that I would be able to get Invisaline braces (clear molds that don't even look like braces) and in less then 6 months I would have a pretty smile. I was pretty disappointed when I left there with 3 treatment options, none of which was what I was hoping for. The treatement options ranged from regular braces for 9 months on top teeth only for a little over $2500 to full braces top and bottom, extraction of two top teeth and jaw surgery which would run me $15,000. The latter option would straighten my front teeth, correct my overbite and recenter my jaw (which is apparently offside). I do have ortho coverage, but not enough to cover everything aside from Option 1. Sooooo, I am going with Option 1, which will just straighten my top teeth. For as much as I am not really looking forward to looking like a 15 year hold again, I am looking forward to getting the process started and finally getting my teeth straightened.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Take Two!

Today is the start of a new challenge. This one does not have any prizes, it is mainly for motivation. I found that logging the daily details and taking measurements and pictures on a regular basis, really helped me stick with it during the last challenge. So that is why I am doing this again. This one runs from April 20 to July 19. I have a feeling this one will be a little more difficult. My current weight has been my sticking point for a few years now. I may make a brief appearance below that, but it never lasts. This time I want to break that barrier once and for all. The weight loss is only about 6-7 lbs but, knowing myself I know I need to make this goal feel achievable. I know this is likely more of a mental block then a physical one. Anyway, this time around I have some support a little closer to home; two of my friends are doing this challenge with me. They will weigh in and take progress pictures with me for the next 3 months. I am excited. Tonight I took my pictures and measurements and I am embarrassed to say that I have put on almost all the weight I had lost. HOWEVER! I know I am retaining a lot of water right now and my body fat % is still the same as it was on the last day of the previous challenge. So, I think I actually only put back on a few pounds, which I am not going to dwell on as I knew full well I was eating total crap for almost two weeks. I can feel it too. My mood has been more volatile, I am crampy and gassy and all around bloated. Yuck!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

BAHHH! Take it or leave it!

I have spent WAY too much time trying to get these damn pictures up! Sorry they suck, but it is the best you're going to get!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Here I am!

I am here, really I am. Things have been pretty busy with work and life lately, and I just haven't had the time to blog. For a quick update, I finished the challenge on April 3rd and came in second place! I missed posting my last two workouts from the challenge, and then I took last week off from training to give my body a break. I also took the week off of anything healthy.... I have been eating whatever I feel like and let me tell you, I sure as hell notice a difference. I am bloated, constipated, moody.... I have never felt so yucky. You would think that would be enough to make me stop eating the junk, but I haven't. Easter was this past weekend, and I enjoyed all the chocolates and turkey dinner and I have been paying for it for the past two days. Oiy.... heartburn.... I have been trying to post my before and after pictures, but I have been having difficulties adding more then one picture at a time. I will try again tonight maybe. I am actually shocked at the differences, I cannot believe I was that, erm, 'fluffy'. A couple of my friends were so inspired by the changes I made, they have both decided to join me on the next challenge. The next challenge starts April 20 - July 20. This one doesn't have any prizes, except bragging rights, but I found the last one to be so helpful in making me stick with it. Anyway, that is all for now, I will try to get pictures posted soon!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

shitcan bacon

Not much happening, so I am just going to post my last two workouts.

Monday's Workout
Glute activation and Hip mobility work

Front Squats 95/105/115/125/135lbs x 3
Back Extension 25lbs x 8 x 3
Bulgarian RDL (DB) 20lbs x 12 x 2
Cable Cross Chop 30lbs x 10 x 3

Tuesday's Workout
Lateral Flyes 12.5lbs x 12 x 2
Lying BB Scap Protractions 65lbs x 15 x 2
Seated Scap Depressions 12 x 2
Face Pulls 70lbs x 12 x 2

Push Press 45/50/55/65/70lbs x 3
Pull Ups 1 band x 6 x 3
Seated Cable Rows 90lbs x 12 x 2
Incline DB Press 30lbs x 8 x 3
Shoulder Rolls 15 x 2