Friday, January 9, 2009

lil of this, lil of that

Ahhhhh, it is finally Friday. This week seemed long. I guess being the first 5 day week in almost a month would feel long. Things are going well. I took an unscheduled rest day yesterday. I had wanted to do my yoga video last night, but I had to make a salad for a potluck lunch at work. By the time I finished making the salad, and cleaning up the kitchen, it was 10 pm and I still had to eat something. I just don’t understand how people have time to follow a TV series. I have not turned the TV on this whole week. Every evening is full with getting Tay to bed, working out, prepping meals, cleaning up…… We have PVR and I used to always record all these shows I wanted to watch, but I never got around to watching them. After a year of them sitting on our PVR, unwatched, I finally deleted them. Priorities I guess, but some days all I want to do is plant my butt on the couch and channel surf.

I almost caved last night. Tay was packing her lunch for her first day of pre-school (which is today), and she pulled out the box of Wagon Wheels. She decided against a Wagon Wheel and left the damn thing on the counter. It haunted me. Every time I looked over, that is all I saw. I even check out the counts, just to see if it was possible to squeeze in. Ultimately, I decided against it. I knew I was hungry; it had been too long since my last meal, so I had some soup instead.

I am going to the gym tonight with one of my bestest friends. Afterwards, we are going to go out for dinner, somewhere healthy. She is watching her weight too, so that makes it easy to decide on a place to eat. I am looking forward to it; we haven’t seen each other in a while. Sometimes, January is nice. Everyone has their diet plans, which usually fall by the way side by mid-February. Today, at work we are having a “healthy” potluck lunch; which is nice, since there won’t be any junk to tempt me. I decided to make something I could eat, so I decided to make an Asian Chicken Salad. Other things that will be there include; veggies and dip, fruit, another salad, ‘almost’ FF tomato soup, and sherbet. I am kinda excited about it!

I have also joined a ski/snowboard club for women. My bestest friend from above, talked me into joining Chix on Stix. It is a way to meet other women who are learning the sport, so that we can all ride together. I have been snowboarding for about 9 years, and I suck. Suck. Very. Bad. I never had anyone to go with. Wes snowboards and we used to go together once or twice a year, but that is about all I ever went. He went with his friends more often and in general is just way more athletic then I ever will be, so he has become really good at it. For me, it is hard to make any gains when you only go a couple times a year. Then I got pregnant and I never had the time to go, so I sold all my stuff. Now I have a friend who is interested in trying it out, and since I suck so bad, I may as well learn all over again with her. Hmmm, maybe I can go on snowboard trips over the weekends now….. I just had to throw that in since Wes is leaving tomorrow morning to go snowboarding with a friend for the weekend. Lol

I am looking forward to this weekend somewhat. Tomorrow, Wes’s mom is going to meet me at Tay’s gymnastics class and take Tay for the afternoon. That will give me a chance to get to the gym and get groceries. Going to the gym and grocery shopping is, as far as I am concerned, the makings for a great afternoon. So, I am looking forward to the time to myself. Afterwards, I will pick up Tay and we girls will hang out for a bit until it is bed time. I just have to remember to bring some food along with me when I go out Saturday afternoon, otherwise I may end up grumbling…. Don’t want that.

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