Monday, March 30, 2009

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Well, it is Monday again. I had a fairly decent weekend, but it was over much too fast. Yesterday, Taylor went to a birthday party with one of our friends, so Wes and I took the opportunity to go to the gym together. This is something that rarely happens. That morning when Tay got up, she had a bit of a fever, so I gave her some Motrin and shortly after she seemed fine. However, once she got to the party her fever returned. She was lethargic and feverish and pretty much spent the entire time there, cuddled up on someones lap or sleeping in a bed made from coats. So, we ended up cutting our workout short and I didn't manage to get every thing done. Oh well. Diet was poop all weekend. No valid excuse aside from I just wanted it, so I had it! Shame on me. 5 days left in this challenge and I am feeling pretty good. While I know I may not have achieved all my goals and I didn't follow my plan to a T, I still feel that I was successful. I guess my ultimate goal was to be able to shed some pounds while maintaining a healthy diet. 'Maintaining' is the key word here. I do not believe in diets. I do not want to lose weight by eating such a restricted diet that I am unable to maintain that diet indefinitely. Because once you go back to eating 'normal' you will just put that weight back on. In hindsight, I guess my real goal was to achieve a healthy relationship with food, find a new 'normal' and I think I have and even better, I think I may have influenced a few people along the way. Once this challenge is over, I will continue to track my weight and measurements and take those dreaded progress pictures, because I have found that is what is helping me stick with this. I have my treats once in a while, but for the most part everything I eat is pretty 'clean' (for lack of a better word). I do not feel deprived at all, I feel satisfied. Yay for me!

Band pull aparts 12 x 2
Scap Push Ups 20 x 2
Behind Neck Band Pulldown 12 x 2
Skull Crusher (DB) 12.5 lbs x 12 x 2

Bench press 65/75/85/95/95 lbs x 3 - dang it, I wish I could push past this!
Bentover BB Row 85 lbs x 6 x 3
Standing DB Shoulder Press 25 x 8 (should have been 2 sets of 12, but we had to leave, so I grabbed the 25s and did what I could)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Great SMURF!

I am getting really tired of the snow. It is the end of March for crying out loud, it shouldn't STILL be snowing. I need spring to come.

I managed to do cardio at lunch yesterday, but I think all this cardio is wreaking havoc on my leg. When I went to train after work, my right hip flexor started to really bother me. By the time I was done, it was very painful to lift my leg up to take a step. That is also the same leg that I have been having issues with me knee. When I got home, I did some foam roller work and a bit of stretching. It is not as tight today, but still tender. My knee doesn't hurt as much, I just get a dull pain occationally. So, I will skip cardio at lunch today to give my leg a break.


Glute Activation and Hip Mobility work

Warm Up CDL 115/125 lbs x 5
CDL 145lbs x 5 x3
Leg Press 200 lbs x 12 x 2 - I am such a dumb ass. I finished my two sets and thought the weight felt super easy. When I looked back in my book I realized the last few times I did these, I had been using 230 lbs. So yeah, it was easy because it was 30 lbs lighter then I usually lift. d'oh!
Bulgarian Squat (BB) 70 x 8 x 3
Standing Cable Crunch 70 lbs x 10 x 3

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Grumpy Pants

Yup, I'm grumpy. I had no motivation at work to do anything today, and anything I did do didn't seem to go smoothly. Also, my best friend is hurting and I am pissed at the whole situation. Pissed off I can't do anything to make it better, pissed off I can't help more and pissed off that this situation has taken her smile away. On the bright side, this anger helped fuel my workout tonight AND I did cardio at lunch. Woohoo for me! The chicken stew I made last night was excellent! Definitely going to make that one again and I am happy I made a double batch.

Lateral Raise 12.5lbs x 12 x 2
Lying DB Protraction 20lbs x 20 x 2
Seated Scap Depressions 12 x 2
Face Pulls 70lbs x 12 x 2

Push Press 45/50/55/60/65 lbs x 3
Pull Ups 1 band x 6 x 3
Seated Cable Row 90lbs x 12 x 2 - I am pretty happy with this, nice to see the weight going up
Incline DB Press 30lbs x 8 x 3
Poorboy Shoulder Horn 12.5 lbs x 10 x 3

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hardcore Monkeys

Life has kept me busy lately. Work was pretty crazy last week, I even managed to work 4 hours of overtime. The last day I trained was Friday. On Saturday, Wes and I took a bus trip to Jasper for a weekend snowboadring. It was a ton of fun. We lucked out and the conditions were the best they have had all year. I am getting better at this snowboarding thing. I still stick to mostly green runs and the odd blue one, but I am just trying to work on my turns and get my confidence up. I would like to go one more time this year, but with only about a month left in the season, we'll have to see how that plays out. I am still working on getting my bindings and stance set up, so that my feet don't cramp up. It is coming. After a day on the hill together, we came back to our hotel and had a jacuzzi bath and a 3 hour nap. Afterwards, we went out for dinner, then checked out 3 different bars and had a few bevies. Sunday, we were back on the hill. It was so nice to spend that time alone together. It has been a while.

Less then two weeks left in the challenge and I need to work on getting more cardio in. I actually did manage to make it to the gym yesterday at lunch and did a HIIT session. Talk about killing my legs. Leg workout Friday, snowboarding Saturday and Sunday, then interval training Monday! My knee has started bothering me again, I know I need to get my act together and do more stretching. I should know better by now.

Diet was totally off plan these past few days and the one thing I am starting to notice is that I think eating crap effects my mood. The last few times I went off plan for more then two days, I noticed a definite decrease in my mood the days following. This is something I will have to monitor a little more.

With that in mind, I decided it was time to try a new recipe. In this month edition of Clean Eating, there is a recipe for Chicken and Vegetable Stew. So, tonight I made a double batch. Kinda hoping it is good, seeing as I made so much! I will let you know the verdict tomorrow.

Workout for Friday

Glute Activation and Hip Mobility work

Front Squats 95/105/115/125/130lbs x 3
Back Extensions 25lbs x 8 x 3
Bulgarian RDL (DB) 20lbs x 12 x 2
Medicine Ball Twist 18 lbs x 10 x 3

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sofa King We Todd Did

I saw the funniest thing at the gym last night. I was watching a guy do set after set of chin ups and pull ups. He had some pretty nice arms and his chest looked nicely developed, but that is where it stopped. I swear my arse and legs had to be bigger then his! It looked freakin hilarious! Why do some guys spend all their energy training their upper body and neglect their legs? They must not realize how retarded they look walking around on toothpicks for legs. You know, women like to check out guys butts too, it is not all about the chest! It is kinda like those women who neglect to do anything with the back of their hair. It looks funny.

My workout was good and diet was on, still no cardio this week. Work has been crazy busy and I have not been able to get away from my desk at lunch to do cardio. I am hoping that next week I will have more success at that, since my co-worker will be back from holidays so I should be so swamped and may actually be able to take a lunch.

Band pullaparts 12 x 2
Scap Push Up 20 x 2
Behind Neck Band Pulldowns 12 x 2
Skull crusher (DB) 15lbs x 12 x 2

Bench Press 65/70/75/85/95lbs x 3 -I have been benching the same amount for a while now, but cannot seem to make any gains. It is getting a little frustrating.
Bentover BB Row 95lbs x 6 x 3
DB Shoulder Press 17.5/20/20 lbs x 8 - I think I can go up in weight the next time. I need to get these dang shoulders to grow!
Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown 90lbs x 11 x 2 - I don't like these. I was supposed to do 12 reps, but my wrists were burning and I was losing my grip, even with my straps. I cannot get my wrists straps set up the way I usually do, being that my grip is reversed, so the straps are not as effective as they usually are. I have a pathetically weak grip.
Lateral Raise (DB) 15lbs x 10 x 3

Not long ago, I picked up the most recent copy of Clean Eating magazine and in it there is a 2 week menu plan with recipes and a grocery list. I was looking it over last night and it seems pretty doable. I have 2 weeks left in this challenge and I think this plan might be a great way to finish it off. The one thing I have learned since I started this challenge back in January is that is that this whole eating thing is a lot easier then I thought. It just requires some creativity and a lot of planning. I still have a treat once in a while, so I really don't feel all that deprived. Yes, I have had my binges and rough patches, but I don't let that throw me completely off track like I used to. In fact, I don't think I have ever stuck with anything this long before. Once this challenge is over, I do not think it will end for me. I will keep going, tracking my progress, taking my measurements and see what I can do.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Moron

So tired today. I even went to bed early (ok, earlier) last night, but it was still a struggle to drag my butt out of bed. Diet was good yesterday, but I didn't realize the lettuce I had wasn't good anymore, so I didn't bother buying more when I picked up groceries on Saturday. Thankfully, there is a little market/restaurant downtown here that has a salad bar and is rather affordable, so I will get my salad there today. I am so busy at work lately. I was in half an hour early yesterday, worked through my lunch and stayed an extra 1.5 hours after work. So, I didn't get any cardio done, nor did I manage to get any training in. Probably a good thing, since I am still a little sore from this weekends workouts. I will train today though, and I am looking forward to it. I think Wes and I are going snowboarding this weekend, YAY! I have been pushing for this, since I spent all that money on a new board etc, I don't want to lose what I have learned, or have my board collect dust like my old one did. Plus, it will be nice to have some time alone together for a change, it has been a while.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, I have some nice bruises on my buttocks from the wicked massage I had on Saturday. I am not complaining.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Licorice Hillbiliies

My diet has been a complete bust these past 4 days. I just don't know what got into me lately. I feel like I have a bad case of PMS or something. I have been so moody and emotional, and craving garbage. I need to get more organized and have more food prepped. I think it is time to browse through my cookbooks again. Wes and my friend noticed I have been going through a bumpy patch, so they surprised me with booking a massage for me on Saturday afternoon. Oh.My.GAWD. That was one of the best massages I have ever had. She worked on my legs a lot and that felt fantastic! Afterwards, my friend asked if Tay could sleep over, so I ended up with a free evening. I am getting old. I spent my free Saturday night going to the gym, getting groceries, visiting with my other friend and playing scrabble. And the highlight? I was in bed by midnight. WOOT. Whatever, I slept in until 10:30! What time did YOU get up today? lol

Workout for Saturday
Lateral Raise 12.5lbs x 12 x 2
Lying Barbell Scap Depression 55lbs x 15 x 2
Seated Scap Depression 10 x 2
Face Pulls 80lbs x 12 x 2
Shoulder Rolls 10 x 2

Push Press 45/55/60/65/65 lbs x 3
Pull Ups 1 band x 6 x 3
Seated Cable Row 75lbs x 12 x 2
Incline DB Press 30lbs x 8 x 3
Poorboy Shoulder Horn 12lbs x 10 x 3

I realized today, that doing a workout after a massage may not have been the best idea. OWWIE!

Workout for Sunday

Glute activation and hip mobility work

Warm Up CDL 115/125 lbs x 5
CDL 145lbs x 5 x 3 *personal record
Leg Press 230lbs x 12 x 2
Bulgarian Squat (BB) 65lbs x 8 x 3
Downward Cable Chop 30lbs x 10 x 3

Yup. Imma gonna be sore tomorrow! My wrists actually have marks left from my wrist wraps.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Pigs in a blanket

Not much to report at this time. Yesterday was my grandpa's funeral. The service was nice, as far as funerals go. We were unable to stay too long afterwards, as Wes still had to go in to work. As it was, he went in 2 hours late.

I didn't make it to the gym on Thursday, since I had not seen Tay very much since last week. I was missing her and wanted to come home so I could see her for a bit before she went to bed. I was a little late coming home as it was, as I had to work a little late. Seeing as I missed 2 days of work this week and my co-worker is now on holidays, my boss has approved some overtime. I will take advantage of this since it doesn't happen often!

I did get to the gym on Wednesday and had a pretty good work out. I was a little dissappointed on Thursday that my legs weren't really sore, but DAMN! by yesterday I was sure feeling it!

Workout for Wednesday

Glute activation and hip mobility work

Front Squat 95/105/115/125/125lbs x 3
Pullthroughs 80/90/90lbs x 8
Bulgarian RDL 20lbs x 12 x 2
Standing Cable Crunch 60lbs x 10 x 3

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Real Doodads

I hate daylight savings. I am tired, exhausted and drained. I wonder if I snored on the bus on the way in to work this morning?

We had a great weekend in Fernie. I actually think I may have gotten a little better at snowboarding. Now if I can only find someone to come with me again maybe I will actually IMPROVE! Wow, novel idea. The conditions were fantastic, it snowed all day on Saturday so falling in the powder was pretty minor. At least until it came time to try to get out, that proves to be a bit of a challenge. We did, however, get to bring Ryan up to the top of the mountain and spread his ashes. It was pretty emotional, but felt good to say goodbye in our own way.

My grandpa passed away this weekend. On Friday morning, Tay and I took a drive out to visit him in the hospital. My mom had called the night before and told me the doctors didn't expect him to make it through the weekend. I am glad I saw him. We didn't come home until Monday evening and he passed away Sunday afternoon. The funeral is on Friday.

I finally made it to the gym after work yesterday. It had been a week since I last trained and I needed it. Training has become somewhat of an addiction for me. I need to train. When I go too long without it, I get very crabby and depressed. It helps me to get rid of anger and frustration and all those bad feelings that brew inside. I will do whatever I can to squeeze some time in at the gym. I suppose there could be worse things to be addicted to, I just hope no one tries to pull an "intervention" on me! Ha ha!

Band pullaparts 15 x 2
Scap pushups 20 x 2
Behind the neck band pulldowns 15 x 2
Skull Crushers 12.5 lbs x 15 x 2

Bench Press 65/75/85/90/95lbs x 3
Bentover BB Row 85lbs x 6 x 3
DB Shoulder Press 17.5lbs x 12 x 2
Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown 75lbs x 8 x 3
Lateral Raises 12.5lbs x 10 x 3

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Apocalyptic Desert

I am hesitant to get excited. The days are getting longer, the mornings are brighter and warmer and it smelled like rain this morning. But it is only the beginning of March, as any Albertan will tell you, you cannot put away the parka until June 1st. But the past couple mornings I have really enjoyed the little walks from the car to the bus, the bus to work. I can't wait to be able to get up early and sit outside and have a coffee. Putts around in my garden, pick a few weeds and enjoy the silence. Back in the day when I used to run, my favorite thing to do was to get up early and go for a long run, then come home and go back to sleep for a couple hours. Maybe someday I can do that again.

This weekend, Wes and I and a bunch of our friends are going to Fernie. My BFF has rented a gorgeous log house for all of us. The place sleeps 17, and I think there will be 11 in the house and 4 staying in town. This weekend, we will bring Ryan up the mountain one last time. Fernie is where Wes and Ryan and the rest of the boys, first fell in love with snowboarding. As such, all of the snowboarding boys and a few others will be in Fernie this weekend for one last run with Ryan. I am really excited about this, especially since I have a new snowboard and all new gear and I have friends that will ride with me, not to mention the gorgeous house we will be staying in. It has a hot tub, games room, 6 master bedrooms.... Insane! On the other hand, I suspect it will also be a bit of an emotional weekend for everyone as well. We are leaving Friday around noon, and coming home Monday evening. That means 4 days and no training and likely eating crap. I will do my bi-weekly measurements on Friday instead of my usual Sunday since I won't be able to while we are away. I doubt there will be a scale there and I don't really feel like packing mine in my suitcase. I am planning on bringing some oatmeal pancakes at the very least, but I am not going to stress about it. Plus, snowboarding is quite a leg workout! I went to the gym Monday and will not be able to go again until Friday. I get off work at 10 AM, then I will go to the gym, then come home and we will head out around noon. I had wanted to do at least 4 cardio sessions this week, to make up for the lack of workouts, but I am already behind on that. I went on Monday, but ended up having to work through my lunch yesterday, so I couldn't make it. I am hoping to get there today and do some HIIT.

Workout for Monday

Glute activation and Hip Mobility stuff

Warm up CDL 95/105lbs x 5
CDL 135lbs x 5 x 3 (I think I am actually ready to bump this up! YAY!!)
Leg Press 230lbs x 12 x 2
Bulgarian Squats (DB) 35lbs x 8 x 3
Saxon Side Bends (DB) 15lbs x 10 x 3

Monday, March 2, 2009

Discussion Circuses

Had a pretty good weekend. I have decided that my favorite day of the week is Sunday. I always go to the gym on Sunday and because I usually don't have to rush home, I can take my time there. I go to a different location on Sundays because it is closer to home then the gym I go to after work, so the people there are different and it is not overly busy. I just like it. Had a pretty darn good workout too.

Lateral Raises 10lbs x 12 x 2
Lying BB Protraction 45lbs x 12 x 2
Seated Scap Depressions BW x 10 x 2
Face Pulls 70lbs x 12 x 2

Push Press 45/55/60/65/65lbs x 3
Pull Up 1 band x 6 x 3
Seated Cable Row 75lbs x 12 x 2
Incline DB Press 30lbs x 8 x 3
Poor Boy shoulder Horn 10lbs x 15 x 2