Thursday, January 8, 2009


Yesterday was day 3, and as expected, I stumbled. Towards the end of the work day, I was already starting to fall behind on my water intake. After I picked Tay up from her dayhome, we went to the library so I could pick up a yoga DVD. However, since she had not had supper, we stopped in the food court of the mall to get her something. I had bought her fries and a chocolate milk, and wasn't planning on getting anything for myself until I realized how stinkin hungry I was. I settled for an overpriced serving of cashew chicken. Chicken and veggies, can't go to wrong with that, but then again, who knows what else was in it. Once we got home, I got Tay into bed, then decided I should do some cardio since I didn't go at lunch and do it. I got on the treadmill and managed a pathetic 20 minutes. My legs were so sore from the lower body workout I did the day before. When I was done, I could barely move one foot in front of the other. I was bagged. I knew I was short on calories, not sure how much, but I knew I was behind. The thought of eating, or more the thought of the effort that was required to eat, was too much for me, so I went to bed at 8:45pm. I woke up this morning with a raging headache and nauseous from being so hungry. I got up extra early to try to get a few things done around the house that I didn't get around to doing the night before. Unfortunately, Tay woke up and that slowed me down. It is this reason why I have so much prepared food in the freezer, so at least I was able to grab a few things and fly out the door. I had planned to do HIIT at lunch today, but my legs are still killing me, there is no way I would be able to do a HIIT session. I think I will do my yoga video instead tonight. Already today, I am falling behind in calories.

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