Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Doing What I Can

Phew, the past few days have been a blur. Sleep deprived, physically and emotional exhausted. I have been spending the last few days at my friends house as she does not want to be alone, which is totally understandable; the nights seem to be the hardest. She is doing remarkably well, but I worry about what will happen after the funeral when everyone goes home. It is easy to not have to think when there are friends and family around. Wes is hanging in there as well. Saturday was a rough one, with lots of tears all around, but it was good to be with our friends. Even though there were a lot of tears, there have been a lot of laughs as well. Looking through pictures and telling stories has been helping many cope with this tragedy.

I did manage to get to the gym yesterday, which was much needed and felt great. Anger over the circumstances is great fuel for a workout. Diet has been a lost cause. Last night was the first night I slept in my own bed, and even at that, I didn't get home until nearly 9pm. I have had no time to replenish my chicken supply or chuck out the rotting salad fixings, or really do anything as far as food goes. And honestly, I am not sure when I will get a chance to stock up my supplies. However, my appetite has been minimal so I haven't been worrying too much about the crap I have been eating. There are some times, where worrying about calories and macros just doesn't seem important. As soon as I can get back on track, I will. Until then, I will do the best I can.

I think I may have missed posting a workout from last week.... Oh well, here is yesterday's;

Bent Over Flyes 10 x 12 x 3
Lying 1 arm DB Protractions 20 x 20 x 2
Pulldowns 75 x 12 x 2
Scap Push Up BW x 20 x 2

Military Press 45/50/55/60/60lbs x 5
Chin Ups 1 band x 5 x 5
Seated Row 90 x 8 x 3
Incline DB Press 27.5 lbs x 12 x 2
Poorboy Shoulder Horn 10 x 12 x 3

1 comment:

  1. Hey Pinky! Now I can bug you here too! :P
    Sorry to hear about your friend *hugs* Hang in there girl!
