Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sofa King We Todd Did

I saw the funniest thing at the gym last night. I was watching a guy do set after set of chin ups and pull ups. He had some pretty nice arms and his chest looked nicely developed, but that is where it stopped. I swear my arse and legs had to be bigger then his! It looked freakin hilarious! Why do some guys spend all their energy training their upper body and neglect their legs? They must not realize how retarded they look walking around on toothpicks for legs. You know, women like to check out guys butts too, it is not all about the chest! It is kinda like those women who neglect to do anything with the back of their hair. It looks funny.

My workout was good and diet was on, still no cardio this week. Work has been crazy busy and I have not been able to get away from my desk at lunch to do cardio. I am hoping that next week I will have more success at that, since my co-worker will be back from holidays so I should be so swamped and may actually be able to take a lunch.

Band pullaparts 12 x 2
Scap Push Up 20 x 2
Behind Neck Band Pulldowns 12 x 2
Skull crusher (DB) 15lbs x 12 x 2

Bench Press 65/70/75/85/95lbs x 3 -I have been benching the same amount for a while now, but cannot seem to make any gains. It is getting a little frustrating.
Bentover BB Row 95lbs x 6 x 3
DB Shoulder Press 17.5/20/20 lbs x 8 - I think I can go up in weight the next time. I need to get these dang shoulders to grow!
Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown 90lbs x 11 x 2 - I don't like these. I was supposed to do 12 reps, but my wrists were burning and I was losing my grip, even with my straps. I cannot get my wrists straps set up the way I usually do, being that my grip is reversed, so the straps are not as effective as they usually are. I have a pathetically weak grip.
Lateral Raise (DB) 15lbs x 10 x 3

Not long ago, I picked up the most recent copy of Clean Eating magazine and in it there is a 2 week menu plan with recipes and a grocery list. I was looking it over last night and it seems pretty doable. I have 2 weeks left in this challenge and I think this plan might be a great way to finish it off. The one thing I have learned since I started this challenge back in January is that is that this whole eating thing is a lot easier then I thought. It just requires some creativity and a lot of planning. I still have a treat once in a while, so I really don't feel all that deprived. Yes, I have had my binges and rough patches, but I don't let that throw me completely off track like I used to. In fact, I don't think I have ever stuck with anything this long before. Once this challenge is over, I do not think it will end for me. I will keep going, tracking my progress, taking my measurements and see what I can do.

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