Thursday, February 12, 2009

Outside the Box Isn't That Bad

Last night, I met up with my friend at the gym, afterwards she came over to my place so we could visit more. I needed to eat, but I did not want to eat out, nor did I want to ruin my diet but, I also wanted to make something that she might like and preferably not just the same ol salad with chicken. I know how much she likes tacos and I had taken out some bison intending to cook it up with some taco seasoning. So, I came up with a "creation" that I tested out on her. I had some rice in the fridge as well, so I topped 1/2 cup of rice with 100g of bison with taco seasoning, then about 1/3 cup of cottage cheese, shredded head lettuce, sliced black olives and salsa. It tasted similar to a taco salad, minus the taco. I quite enjoyed it and so did my friend. In fact, afterwards she commented that she was so full and satisfied, she was having a hard time believing we just had something that was healthy, low fat, good protein and carbs. Which BTW, is also the making of a great post workout meal. Even Wes tried a bite and wasn't disgusted by it. It got me thinking that I think some people get so stuck on "normal" foods that the thought that something is good for you, or "diet" food, should be bland and not overly satisfying. The problem here is if you want to continue to eat well and make a lifestyle change, you have to find alternatives. If all you live off of is plain salad with no dressing and dry chicken breasts, there is no way you will be able to keep that up, which is generally how yo-yo dieting ends up.

My sister does not eat gluten or dairy, some would automatically assume that a piece of toast for breakfast or a sandwich for lunch is out of the question. Or that she would never be able to have ice cream ever again, or pancakes, cookies, cake..... One would end up living off of only fruit, veggies and meat! You just have to think outside the box and experiment. If you want to make a lifestyle change, it has to be one that you can see yourself sticking with, find some alternatives to your favorites. Heck you might even prefer it. Granted, it will likely take more work then going through a drive through, but hey, if it was easy there would be no such thing as obesity.

My 'creation' may not taste exactly like a taco salad, but it is pretty darn close. And you know what? My sister does eat ice cream, pancakes, toast and cake, the only difference is she doesn't go to a store or open a box to have it.

Well, as I mentioned at the beginning of my rant, I went to the gym yesterday....


Bentover Flyes 10lbs x 12 x 2
Lying BB Protraction 25lbs x 12 x 2
Seated Scap Depressions BW x 12 x 2
Face Pulls 70lbs x 12 x 2

Military Press 45/50/55 lbs x 5 x 3
Chin Ups 1 band x 5 x 3
Seated Cable Row 75 lbs x 8 x 2
Incline DB Press 25lbs x 12 x 2
Lateral Raise 10 x 12 x 2

1 comment:

  1. Hey that sounds really good. I am going to have to try something like that.
    You are doing so good at this blogging thing. I can't seem to find the time to do it lately. I am going to blame the flu and your visit for the time being. I will think of another exuse later.
