I love to workout. I love going to the gym and challenging myself and my body. I have been interested in fitness and weight training for nearly 10 years. In that time I have learned a lot, most of which seems to go against popular belief. I am always on the lookout for new "diet" friendly recipes that are also family friendly. This blog is about me, my training, my "diet" experiments and finding a balance between the gym, my family and work.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Waiting for the end, to be able to start again
At the beginning of this year, I felt that this was going to be a year of change. Well, turns out I was right, unfortunately the change was not what I expected. In fact so much has changed in my life one could say it is the beginning of a new life. 2009 has been a year of crap and turmoil and I am anxious for it to be over. I have been lucky in that I still have my health and those I love still have theirs. My life is only as good as I make it to be, so my plan for 2010 is to start focusing on me, doing things that make me happy and making my life the best it can be. I believe that nothing but good can come from this. It is so easy to float through life and let others influence your happiness, but ultimately true happiness comes from within. Pretty deep thoughts for this early in the morning!
With that in mind, I am looking forward to the new year and have high hopes for what it will bring. I do not believe in New Years Resolutions, I prefer to set goals and I plan on spending these last few weeks of this year deciding which goals I should work towards and how I plan on achieving them. For one, I want to start running again. It has always been a dream of mine to be able to run a marathon, not sure I will be able to reach this goal this year, but maybe I could aim for a half marathon. I also want to get back into drawing and painting. I have done a little in the last few months, but I would like to do more. And damnit! I want to be able to bench at least 100lbs! So close, yet so far still...
Monday, November 9, 2009
Picking Myself Up and Dusting Off
My focus for now is to clean up my diet and eat more protein, become more consistent with my training and work on getting more cardio done. I also need to focus on using my foam roller on my legs and stretching more as I am starting to have issues with my knees once again. Hmmm, I think it may be time to visit my massage therapist once again!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
She's ALIVE!
I covered all my plants with coffee cans in an attempt to prevent them from freezing. However the forecast for the following days was near freezing, so I left them covered. Once the temperatures turned around I removed the cans and was happy to see everything had made it. The plants were a little wilted as they needed watering, so I watered them. Within the following two days, they went downhill. Turns out keeping them covered from the frost and snow was one thing, however plants also need light! My tomatoes ended up looking like dead sticks, the basil was toast and my lettuce looked pretty pathetic. I refused to pull the plants without at least TRYING to get them to come back. The basil is gone, the lettuce has recovered and I see new growth on the tomatoes. Hopefully, they will actually produce something! If all goes well, I should have a nice crop of tomatoes, lettuce, swiss chard, zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, peas, dill, thyme and cilantro. As long as I can keep Mister Diamond from using my garden as his personal litter box, all should go well!
Well, my little darling Taylor has been hounding me to use the computer, so I will sign off for now and I promise not to wait so long for my next post!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Oh, it is the middle of May and it snowed last night. I just love living here.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Head in the Sand
Workout for Wednesday
Hip mobility and glute activation
RDL 115/125/135/145/165lbs x 5 (Definitely a personal record here)
Leg Press 270 lbs x 10 x 3
Split Squat 75 lbs x 12 x 2 - need to up my weight next time
Standing Cable Crunches 70/80/80lbs x 10
Cardio has been a complete joke this week, so has the diet end too. I am looking at buying a treadmill because I cannot seem to get the time to get out and run. If I don't pull up my socks I am going to fall flat on my face at the 4 km mark.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Workout of Tuesday, April 28
Hip Mobility and Glute Activation Stuff
Full Squat 115/125/135/145/155lbs x 5 (I think this is a personal record for me)
Barbell High Step Ups 65 lbs x 8 x 3
Leg Press 270lbs x 10 x 2
Med Ball Crunch 15 x 3
Workout for Sunday, May 3
Bent over Flyes 10lbs x 12 x 3
Lying 1-Arm DB Protractions 20 lbs x 20 x 2
Pull down 75 lbs x 12 x 2
Scap Push Up 20 x 2
Military Press 45/55/60/65/70 lbs x 5
I think I used up all my energy on my presses, because everything else sucked.
Chin Up BW x 5 x 4 (Was supposed to do 5 sets, but couldn't get the last set out)
Seated Cable Row 90 lbs x 8 x 3
Incline DB Press 2o lbs x 12 x 2
Shoulder Roll 10 x 3
I finally made it outside to run. My friend came over on Saturday and we went for a run after dinner. Bad idea. We did about 30 minutes and I am going to guess around 2km. My Nike+iPod sensor said 3.36km, but I have not calibrated it to my stride yet. I could have gone further, but I was getting such bad acid reflux every time we would start running, I had to stop. I knew running after eating was not the best idea. Anyway, aside from the reflux, the run went pretty good. My friend and I run well together, since we both have short legs, but dang do my calves hurt. I have been stretching and massaging them for the past two days. I even found myself massaging them in my sleep. My massage therapist has started massaging my calves and let me tell you, that hurts like nothing else! I thought getting your glutes worked on was bad, but I think this just about takes the cake, for me at least. I have never really had my calves massaged, and I never really liked it, but I can see that I am going to have to get past that because they are pretty tight and tender.
Overall, I had a great weekend. On Friday, a friend and I went for dinner then to see a play. We had both seen the playbill for this play last fall and commented that we would really like to see it. So for her birthday in February, I bought us tickets. It was a great play. Afterwards, we met up with a bunch of our friends at a bar for a few drinks. The weather this weekend was great too. We were able to spent most of the weekend in the yard. Yesterday, I did yard work from 9:00AM to 3:30 PM, Wes stayed out longer. The yard looks really good and I got a bit of color too.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Bus Surfing
Level 2 is the same as Level 1 except you will hold on to a pole this time, again with 2 hands. In Level 3 you will learn how to complete a bus route one handed! There are times where you will be unable to use both hands; whether it is because the bus is so crowded you can only steal enough of a railing for one hand, or maybe you are holding a coffee in the other hand. I highly recommend you learn this on both a railing and a pole, because sometimes you do not have a choice. In Level 4 we kick it up a notch and change our shoes to heals. Smaller heals at first, but then you can work your way up to stilettos if you wish. Depending on how strong your core and legs are, you can start with using the 2-hand grip, but if you feel strong enough, you can move directly to the 1-hand grip. Heals are tricky and you may spend a lot of time on this level, but I suggest you master it, before moving on to level 5. In Level 5 we move down towards the middle of the bus, where the only place to hold on to it the bar along the top. The bars usually have soft rubber loops that hang down every couple feet along the bar. Their purpose is to accommodate the shorter passengers who cannot reach the top bar. In Level 5 we will use our sturdy shoes again, and we will raise both our arms to the side and firmly grasp a bar with each hand. You will definitely notice you are using you upper body muscles a lot more. For Level 6, we do the same as Level 5 except we switch our shoes to heels again. In Level 7, we move back into our sturdy shoes and you will firmly hold the top bar with ONE hand. When you are comfortable, try this with heels. Level 8, you will hold onto the rubber loops, one in each hand to either side of you. If you feel ready to start off with heels, go ahead. But don't worry if you need to try this a couple time with your sturdy shoes.
Once you have mastered your balance with the loops, you can move on to Level 9. In Level 9, you will only hold on to ONE loop. Start off with sturdy shoes, and take your time working up to heels. There is the potential for injury here, to either yourself, or other passengers on the bus. Level 10 in the final level, and only Elite Bus Surfers has mastered this level. In Level 10, you will complete the route with NO hands. You cannot hold onto anything. If you can complete Level 10 in 6" Stilettos, you will have obtained Elite status.
So good luck to you all and Happy Surfing!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
My Christmas Wish List....
Well I did it. I ran on the treadmill at lunch, and I didn't die. Ok, so I only managed 25 minutes (due to time constraints), but it felt good. I bought some new running shoes yesterday and they are so comfy. I also bought a Nike+iPod Sensor. I haven't had a chance to check it out in depth, but from what I can tell you stick one part in the sole of your shoe and the other end plugs into your iPod. It will track your distance, pace and calories burned. Pretty cool hey? I am stoked about running again. Hopefully I can keep that enthusiasm.
I went for a massage last night after the gym. My therapist focuses mostly on my legs, and has been working on my knees. Since I started seeing her, I have noticed the pain in my knees has been diminishing. She massaged the crap out of my calves and butt. It actually feels like I did a leg workout yesterday instead of an upper body workout. Today is lower body, and I am already sore.
Face Pulls 70lbs x 12 x 3
Scap Pushups 20 x 2
Pulldown Scap Depression 70lbs x 12 x 2
Tricep Pressdown 70lbs x 12 x 2
Bench Press 45/55/65/85/90 lbs x 5
Bentover BB Row 65/75/80/85/90 lbs x 5
Standing DB Shoulder Press 25lbs x 8 x 3
Pulldown 90lbs x 12 x 2
Poorboy Shoulder Horn 10lbs x 15 x 2
Monday, April 27, 2009
Searching for my Marbles
Workout for Sunday
Glute activation and Hip Mobility stuff
RDL 95/105/115/135/145lbs x 5
Leg Press 270lbs x 10 x 3
Split Squat 75lbs 12 x 2
Cable cross chop 30lbs x 15 x 2 (I really have no idea what the name for this exercise is, so this is what I have called it. I know what I am talking about)
Friday, April 24, 2009
Esplanade (v.), to attempt an explanation while drunk
Bent over Flyes (DB) 10lbs x 12 x 3
Lying One Arm DB Protractions 20 x 20 x 2
Pulldown 75lbs x 12 x 2
Scap Push Up 20 x 2
Military Press 45/50/55/60/65lbs x 5
Chin Up BW x 5 x 5
Seated Cable Rows 105lbs x 8 x 3
Incline DB Press 25lbs x 12 x 2
Alt. Front Raise 10 x 12 x 2
Shoulder Roll 10 x 3
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Kinky Cushions
Glute activation and hip mobility work
Full Squats 95/105/115/125/135 lbs x 5
BB High Step Up 75 lbs x 10 x 3 (these were the buggers that fried my ass)
Pullthroughs 90lbs x 12 x 2
Standing Cable Crunch 70lbs x 10 x 3
In other news..... A couple weeks ago, I finally went and saw an orthodontist about possibly getting braces again. I say again because I had braces when I was 15. I only had them on my front 6 teeth and only for less then 4 months. Unfortunately, the wire holding everything in place broke and my dentist at the time did not feel it needed to be fixed. Fast forward 17 years and my teeth are now back to where they were. Actually, they have been this way for a while. So, I went for my consultation expecting to hear that I would be able to get Invisaline braces (clear molds that don't even look like braces) and in less then 6 months I would have a pretty smile. I was pretty disappointed when I left there with 3 treatment options, none of which was what I was hoping for. The treatement options ranged from regular braces for 9 months on top teeth only for a little over $2500 to full braces top and bottom, extraction of two top teeth and jaw surgery which would run me $15,000. The latter option would straighten my front teeth, correct my overbite and recenter my jaw (which is apparently offside). I do have ortho coverage, but not enough to cover everything aside from Option 1. Sooooo, I am going with Option 1, which will just straighten my top teeth. For as much as I am not really looking forward to looking like a 15 year hold again, I am looking forward to getting the process started and finally getting my teeth straightened.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Take Two!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
BAHHH! Take it or leave it!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Here I am!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
shitcan bacon
Monday's Workout
Glute activation and Hip mobility work
Front Squats 95/105/115/125/135lbs x 3
Back Extension 25lbs x 8 x 3
Bulgarian RDL (DB) 20lbs x 12 x 2
Cable Cross Chop 30lbs x 10 x 3
Tuesday's Workout
Lateral Flyes 12.5lbs x 12 x 2
Lying BB Scap Protractions 65lbs x 15 x 2
Seated Scap Depressions 12 x 2
Face Pulls 70lbs x 12 x 2
Push Press 45/50/55/65/70lbs x 3
Pull Ups 1 band x 6 x 3
Seated Cable Rows 90lbs x 12 x 2
Incline DB Press 30lbs x 8 x 3
Shoulder Rolls 15 x 2
Monday, March 30, 2009
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Band pull aparts 12 x 2
Scap Push Ups 20 x 2
Behind Neck Band Pulldown 12 x 2
Skull Crusher (DB) 12.5 lbs x 12 x 2
Bench press 65/75/85/95/95 lbs x 3 - dang it, I wish I could push past this!
Bentover BB Row 85 lbs x 6 x 3
Standing DB Shoulder Press 25 x 8 (should have been 2 sets of 12, but we had to leave, so I grabbed the 25s and did what I could)
Friday, March 27, 2009
Great SMURF!
I managed to do cardio at lunch yesterday, but I think all this cardio is wreaking havoc on my leg. When I went to train after work, my right hip flexor started to really bother me. By the time I was done, it was very painful to lift my leg up to take a step. That is also the same leg that I have been having issues with me knee. When I got home, I did some foam roller work and a bit of stretching. It is not as tight today, but still tender. My knee doesn't hurt as much, I just get a dull pain occationally. So, I will skip cardio at lunch today to give my leg a break.
Glute Activation and Hip Mobility work
Warm Up CDL 115/125 lbs x 5
CDL 145lbs x 5 x3
Leg Press 200 lbs x 12 x 2 - I am such a dumb ass. I finished my two sets and thought the weight felt super easy. When I looked back in my book I realized the last few times I did these, I had been using 230 lbs. So yeah, it was easy because it was 30 lbs lighter then I usually lift. d'oh!
Bulgarian Squat (BB) 70 x 8 x 3
Standing Cable Crunch 70 lbs x 10 x 3
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Grumpy Pants
Lateral Raise 12.5lbs x 12 x 2
Lying DB Protraction 20lbs x 20 x 2
Seated Scap Depressions 12 x 2
Face Pulls 70lbs x 12 x 2
Push Press 45/50/55/60/65 lbs x 3
Pull Ups 1 band x 6 x 3
Seated Cable Row 90lbs x 12 x 2 - I am pretty happy with this, nice to see the weight going up
Incline DB Press 30lbs x 8 x 3
Poorboy Shoulder Horn 12.5 lbs x 10 x 3
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Hardcore Monkeys
Less then two weeks left in the challenge and I need to work on getting more cardio in. I actually did manage to make it to the gym yesterday at lunch and did a HIIT session. Talk about killing my legs. Leg workout Friday, snowboarding Saturday and Sunday, then interval training Monday! My knee has started bothering me again, I know I need to get my act together and do more stretching. I should know better by now.
Diet was totally off plan these past few days and the one thing I am starting to notice is that I think eating crap effects my mood. The last few times I went off plan for more then two days, I noticed a definite decrease in my mood the days following. This is something I will have to monitor a little more.
With that in mind, I decided it was time to try a new recipe. In this month edition of Clean Eating, there is a recipe for Chicken and Vegetable Stew. So, tonight I made a double batch. Kinda hoping it is good, seeing as I made so much! I will let you know the verdict tomorrow.
Workout for Friday
Glute Activation and Hip Mobility work
Front Squats 95/105/115/125/130lbs x 3
Back Extensions 25lbs x 8 x 3
Bulgarian RDL (DB) 20lbs x 12 x 2
Medicine Ball Twist 18 lbs x 10 x 3
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Sofa King We Todd Did
My workout was good and diet was on, still no cardio this week. Work has been crazy busy and I have not been able to get away from my desk at lunch to do cardio. I am hoping that next week I will have more success at that, since my co-worker will be back from holidays so I should be so swamped and may actually be able to take a lunch.
Band pullaparts 12 x 2
Scap Push Up 20 x 2
Behind Neck Band Pulldowns 12 x 2
Skull crusher (DB) 15lbs x 12 x 2
Bench Press 65/70/75/85/95lbs x 3 -I have been benching the same amount for a while now, but cannot seem to make any gains. It is getting a little frustrating.
Bentover BB Row 95lbs x 6 x 3
DB Shoulder Press 17.5/20/20 lbs x 8 - I think I can go up in weight the next time. I need to get these dang shoulders to grow!
Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown 90lbs x 11 x 2 - I don't like these. I was supposed to do 12 reps, but my wrists were burning and I was losing my grip, even with my straps. I cannot get my wrists straps set up the way I usually do, being that my grip is reversed, so the straps are not as effective as they usually are. I have a pathetically weak grip.
Lateral Raise (DB) 15lbs x 10 x 3
Not long ago, I picked up the most recent copy of Clean Eating magazine and in it there is a 2 week menu plan with recipes and a grocery list. I was looking it over last night and it seems pretty doable. I have 2 weeks left in this challenge and I think this plan might be a great way to finish it off. The one thing I have learned since I started this challenge back in January is that is that this whole eating thing is a lot easier then I thought. It just requires some creativity and a lot of planning. I still have a treat once in a while, so I really don't feel all that deprived. Yes, I have had my binges and rough patches, but I don't let that throw me completely off track like I used to. In fact, I don't think I have ever stuck with anything this long before. Once this challenge is over, I do not think it will end for me. I will keep going, tracking my progress, taking my measurements and see what I can do.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy Moron
Oh, and I forgot to mention, I have some nice bruises on my buttocks from the wicked massage I had on Saturday. I am not complaining.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Licorice Hillbiliies
Workout for Saturday
Lateral Raise 12.5lbs x 12 x 2
Lying Barbell Scap Depression 55lbs x 15 x 2
Seated Scap Depression 10 x 2
Face Pulls 80lbs x 12 x 2
Shoulder Rolls 10 x 2
Push Press 45/55/60/65/65 lbs x 3
Pull Ups 1 band x 6 x 3
Seated Cable Row 75lbs x 12 x 2
Incline DB Press 30lbs x 8 x 3
Poorboy Shoulder Horn 12lbs x 10 x 3
I realized today, that doing a workout after a massage may not have been the best idea. OWWIE!
Workout for Sunday
Glute activation and hip mobility work
Warm Up CDL 115/125 lbs x 5
CDL 145lbs x 5 x 3 *personal record
Leg Press 230lbs x 12 x 2
Bulgarian Squat (BB) 65lbs x 8 x 3
Downward Cable Chop 30lbs x 10 x 3
Yup. Imma gonna be sore tomorrow! My wrists actually have marks left from my wrist wraps.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Pigs in a blanket
I didn't make it to the gym on Thursday, since I had not seen Tay very much since last week. I was missing her and wanted to come home so I could see her for a bit before she went to bed. I was a little late coming home as it was, as I had to work a little late. Seeing as I missed 2 days of work this week and my co-worker is now on holidays, my boss has approved some overtime. I will take advantage of this since it doesn't happen often!
I did get to the gym on Wednesday and had a pretty good work out. I was a little dissappointed on Thursday that my legs weren't really sore, but DAMN! by yesterday I was sure feeling it!
Workout for Wednesday
Glute activation and hip mobility work
Front Squat 95/105/115/125/125lbs x 3
Pullthroughs 80/90/90lbs x 8
Bulgarian RDL 20lbs x 12 x 2
Standing Cable Crunch 60lbs x 10 x 3
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Real Doodads
We had a great weekend in Fernie. I actually think I may have gotten a little better at snowboarding. Now if I can only find someone to come with me again maybe I will actually IMPROVE! Wow, novel idea. The conditions were fantastic, it snowed all day on Saturday so falling in the powder was pretty minor. At least until it came time to try to get out, that proves to be a bit of a challenge. We did, however, get to bring Ryan up to the top of the mountain and spread his ashes. It was pretty emotional, but felt good to say goodbye in our own way.
My grandpa passed away this weekend. On Friday morning, Tay and I took a drive out to visit him in the hospital. My mom had called the night before and told me the doctors didn't expect him to make it through the weekend. I am glad I saw him. We didn't come home until Monday evening and he passed away Sunday afternoon. The funeral is on Friday.
I finally made it to the gym after work yesterday. It had been a week since I last trained and I needed it. Training has become somewhat of an addiction for me. I need to train. When I go too long without it, I get very crabby and depressed. It helps me to get rid of anger and frustration and all those bad feelings that brew inside. I will do whatever I can to squeeze some time in at the gym. I suppose there could be worse things to be addicted to, I just hope no one tries to pull an "intervention" on me! Ha ha!
Band pullaparts 15 x 2
Scap pushups 20 x 2
Behind the neck band pulldowns 15 x 2
Skull Crushers 12.5 lbs x 15 x 2
Bench Press 65/75/85/90/95lbs x 3
Bentover BB Row 85lbs x 6 x 3
DB Shoulder Press 17.5lbs x 12 x 2
Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown 75lbs x 8 x 3
Lateral Raises 12.5lbs x 10 x 3
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Apocalyptic Desert
This weekend, Wes and I and a bunch of our friends are going to Fernie. My BFF has rented a gorgeous log house for all of us. The place sleeps 17, and I think there will be 11 in the house and 4 staying in town. This weekend, we will bring Ryan up the mountain one last time. Fernie is where Wes and Ryan and the rest of the boys, first fell in love with snowboarding. As such, all of the snowboarding boys and a few others will be in Fernie this weekend for one last run with Ryan. I am really excited about this, especially since I have a new snowboard and all new gear and I have friends that will ride with me, not to mention the gorgeous house we will be staying in. It has a hot tub, games room, 6 master bedrooms.... Insane! On the other hand, I suspect it will also be a bit of an emotional weekend for everyone as well. We are leaving Friday around noon, and coming home Monday evening. That means 4 days and no training and likely eating crap. I will do my bi-weekly measurements on Friday instead of my usual Sunday since I won't be able to while we are away. I doubt there will be a scale there and I don't really feel like packing mine in my suitcase. I am planning on bringing some oatmeal pancakes at the very least, but I am not going to stress about it. Plus, snowboarding is quite a leg workout! I went to the gym Monday and will not be able to go again until Friday. I get off work at 10 AM, then I will go to the gym, then come home and we will head out around noon. I had wanted to do at least 4 cardio sessions this week, to make up for the lack of workouts, but I am already behind on that. I went on Monday, but ended up having to work through my lunch yesterday, so I couldn't make it. I am hoping to get there today and do some HIIT.
Workout for Monday
Glute activation and Hip Mobility stuff
Warm up CDL 95/105lbs x 5
CDL 135lbs x 5 x 3 (I think I am actually ready to bump this up! YAY!!)
Leg Press 230lbs x 12 x 2
Bulgarian Squats (DB) 35lbs x 8 x 3
Saxon Side Bends (DB) 15lbs x 10 x 3
Monday, March 2, 2009
Discussion Circuses
Lateral Raises 10lbs x 12 x 2
Lying BB Protraction 45lbs x 12 x 2
Seated Scap Depressions BW x 10 x 2
Face Pulls 70lbs x 12 x 2
Push Press 45/55/60/65/65lbs x 3
Pull Up 1 band x 6 x 3
Seated Cable Row 75lbs x 12 x 2
Incline DB Press 30lbs x 8 x 3
Poor Boy shoulder Horn 10lbs x 15 x 2
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Bulging Banger
Anyway, I had a great workout. AND... can you believe I went and did cardio TWICE during my lunch this week, and it wasn't even all that bad.
Workout for Thursday
Glute activation and Hip mobility stuff
Front Squats 95/105/115/125/125 lbs x 3
Back Extensions 25lbs x 8 x 3 - finally figured out a way to rig this thing up to fit my miniturness
Leg Press 230 lbs x 12 x 2
Standing Cable Crunch 60lbs x 15 x 2
Friday, February 27, 2009
Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
Workout for Wednesday
Band Pullaparts 15 x 2
Scap Push Up 20 x 2
Behind Neck Band Pulldowns 15 x 2
Skull Crushers (DB) 12.5 lbs x 12 x 2
Bench Press 65/75/85/95/95 lbs x 3
Bent over BB Row 85/95/105lbs x 6
Standing DB Shoulder Press 15lbs x 12 x 2
Supinated Grip Lat Pulldowns 42.5kg x 8 x 3
Lateral Raise 10lbs x 10 x 3
I gots more to say, but will have to come back!
Monday, February 23, 2009
It is just a stupid number!
Workout for Friday
Lateral Raise 10lbs x 12 x 2
Lying BB Protraction 30lbs x 12 x 2
Shoulder Roll 12 x 2
Face Pulls 70lbs x 12 x 2
Push Press 45/55/60/65/65lbs x 3
Pull Ups 1 band x 5 x 3
Seated Cable Row 60lbs x 12 x 2
Incline DB Press 30lbs x 8 x 3
Poorboy Shoulder Horn 10lbs x 10 x 3
Workout for Sunday
Glute activation and Hip mobility stuff
Warm Up CDL 95/105lbs x 5
CDL 12lbs x 5 x 3
Leg Press 230lbs x 12 x 2
Bulgarian Squats (db) 35lbs x 8 x 3
Cable Twist 40 lbs x 10 x 3
Friday, February 20, 2009
Take Two!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Back in the Saddle
Glute Activation and Hip Mobility Work
Front Squat 85/95/10/115/115 lbs x 3
Back Extension 10 lbs x 8 x 3
Bulgarian RDL (DB) 15 x 12 x 2
Standing Cable Crunch 60lbs x 15 x 3
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
On to Phase Two
Band Pull apart 12 x 2
Scap Push Up 20 x 2
Shoulder Roll 10 x 2
Behind Neck Band Pull down 12 x 2
Skull Crusher (DB) 10 x 12 x 2
Bench 65/80/90 lbs x 5
Bent over BB Row 65/80/95lbs x 6
Standing Shoulder Press 15lbs x 15 x 2
Supinated Grip Lat Pull down 75 lbs x 8 x 3
Poorboy shoulder horn 10 x 12 x 2
Saturday, February 14, 2009
I'm Sick
Friday, February 13, 2009
My Luck is Running Out
Note to self: Attempting to buy Valentine's 2 days before Valentines Day is futile. This is my first time at this, Taylor has school every Friday, so I went out last night to buy some Valentines to give to her classmates. Nothing. Not even one! I did not have time to actually MAKE them, so I ended up buying these little valentine boxes and putting a granola bar, hershey's kisses and a few party favors. It is just a pain, because you can't even bring home baked cookies because of allergies and crap. I would have just made heart shaped cookies otherwise.
And I had a bad night last night. I have been craving all the bad carbs like crazy this week. All I want is chocolate and toast. I ended up caving last night and had a mini binge of junk. Just had to get that out of my system I guess.
I also bought new snowboard, boots and bindings. Figured I would give this snowboard thing another shot. I have a couple friends now who are interested in learning and Wes seems to think that if I have better boots (my old ones made my feet cramp up BAD) and a proper board (I had a junior board before), that I may actually be better. I like how he makes excuses for me!
Had a good workout last night. It was my last workout for my deload phase; I will start phase 2 on Sunday.
Glute Activation and Hip Mobility stuff
RDL 115/125/135 x 5
Leg Press 270 lbs x 10 x 2
Split Squat 75 lbs x 12 x 2
Cable Cross Chop 30 x 10 x 2
Going to go to the gym at lunch today and do some HIIT. Gotta burn off all those carbs I ate yesterday!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Outside the Box Isn't That Bad
My sister does not eat gluten or dairy, some would automatically assume that a piece of toast for breakfast or a sandwich for lunch is out of the question. Or that she would never be able to have ice cream ever again, or pancakes, cookies, cake..... One would end up living off of only fruit, veggies and meat! You just have to think outside the box and experiment. If you want to make a lifestyle change, it has to be one that you can see yourself sticking with, find some alternatives to your favorites. Heck you might even prefer it. Granted, it will likely take more work then going through a drive through, but hey, if it was easy there would be no such thing as obesity.
My 'creation' may not taste exactly like a taco salad, but it is pretty darn close. And you know what? My sister does eat ice cream, pancakes, toast and cake, the only difference is she doesn't go to a store or open a box to have it.
Well, as I mentioned at the beginning of my rant, I went to the gym yesterday....
Bentover Flyes 10lbs x 12 x 2
Lying BB Protraction 25lbs x 12 x 2
Seated Scap Depressions BW x 12 x 2
Face Pulls 70lbs x 12 x 2
Military Press 45/50/55 lbs x 5 x 3
Chin Ups 1 band x 5 x 3
Seated Cable Row 75 lbs x 8 x 2
Incline DB Press 25lbs x 12 x 2
Lateral Raise 10 x 12 x 2
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Jumpin Jitterbug
Yesterday was my first day back to work from holidays. I am liking this job, so I didn't have that horrible dread when my alarm went off. As a bonus, my mom decided to keep Tay for the night, so I managed to get in an unexpected workout.
Hip Mobility/Glute Activation work
Full Squats 95/105/115 lbs x 5
DB High Step Up 25 lbs x 10 x 2 (the step could have been a little higher)
Pullthroughs 70 lbs x 12 x 2
Standing Cable Crunch 70 lbs x 15 x 2
Didn't get home until almost 8:30 pm as I had to wait over 30 minutes for the damn bus. That is one downfall of taking the bus all the way from the Park. After 6 o'clock, it only runs every half an hour instead of every 15 minutes. Sat up my butt in front of the TV and surfed the net. T'was a good evening, although went to bed too late.
Monday, February 9, 2009
It's Good to be Back
Band Pullaparts 12 x 2
Scap Push up 20 x 2
Behind Neck Band Pulldown 12 x 2
Skullcrusher (DB) 10 x 12 x 2
Bench Press 65/70/75 lbs x 5
Bentover BB Row 65/75/85 lbs x 5
Standing DB Shoulder Press 17.5 lbs x 8 x 2
Lat Pulldown 60 lbs x 12 x 2
Lateral Raise 10 lbs x 15 x 2
I even did 25 minutes on the treadmill! Ok, so it was just a brisk walk, but hey, I have to start somewhere. Plus, I did about 15 minutes of stretching which is just what my legs needed.
There is 2 months left in the challenge and I had better kick it into high gear. Of the 5 weeks so far, 2 have been close to a write off. Even so, I have not gained, but I am not losing either. I need to put more focus on getting cardio done more consistently, eating all my food for the day and drinking enough water.
As for cardio, I am going to make an effort to go during my lunch break at least 3 times a week, even if it is only for 20 minutes. I will aim for at least one HIIT session/week to start. The more I go to the gym, the more water I drink as well (as a rule), so this should also help boost my water intake. I also need to make a better effort to eat everything I am supposed to eat during the day. I have a tendency to forget to eat, or just choose not to because it doesn't really appeal to me and I am not overly hungry. I need to eat to increase my hunger. Sounds warped I know but, the more often you eat, the more your metabolism will speed up; therefore burning more fat, which is what I am wanting. I am tired of looking puffy, I want to be able to see my muscles! I realized yesterday, while I was at the gym, that the reason I think I look good while I workout is because my muscles are pumped, so you can actually see them. When I am not in the gym, I feel like I just look larger and puffy, because you can't see the muscle to know that my size is not fat, but actually muscle mass.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Time in the Desert
Tay helping Justus with a drink.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Leaving on a Jet Plane
Diet has been good, water intake has been good, workouts have been great. Except last night I popped something in my shoulder. Not really sure how I did it seeing as I was working lower body. It happened during my warm up while I was doing some glute activation stuff. Must have just moved it weird. It hurts to lift my arm today, so I have been massaging it with a tennis ball and doing some stretches. My knees have been hurting as well, I suspect patella tendinitis. So, it is probably a good thing I am taking a break from the gym next week. I will do some stretching and prehab work and hopefully things will feel better when I get back.
Met my friend at the gym last night. She couldn't stay for the whole workout, but I continued after she left. I even did cardio, can you believe that? I wanted to do more, but my knee was starting to bother me more and my legs were pretty tired from the workout. But I did manage to get about 30 minutes in.
Hip Mobility and Glute Activation stuff
Full squats 95/105/115/125/135lbs x 5
DB High Step Ups 25lbs x 8 x 3
Pullthroughs 70 x 12 x 2
Standing Cable Crunch 70 x 10 x 3
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Getting Better
Face Pulls 60lbs x 15 x 3
Scap Push Up BW x 20 x 2
Pulldown Scap Depressions 60lbs x 12 x 2
Tricep Pushdown 60lbs x 12 x 2
Bench Press 45/55/65/75/85lbs x 5
Bentover BB Row 55/65/75/85/95 x 5
DB Shoulder Press 20 x 8, 22.5 x 8 x 3 (did the first set with 20lbs, then went up to 22.5lbs for the last 2)
Lat Pulldown 75 x 12 x 2
L-Lateral Raise 10 x 15 x 2
Some smart ass caught my attention during my bench and asked if I wanted the 45lbs plates added. In case you didn't know, 45s on a bar is 135lbs. I can't wait for the day that I can say, "yes please, if you don't mind"
And just in case myself or anyone else needed a wee bit of motivation, here is a great motivating pic!

Monday, January 26, 2009
The Dash
He noted that first came the date of her birth
For that dash represents all the time
For it matters not how much we own;
So think about this long and hard.
If we could just slow down enough
And be less quick to anger,
If we treat each other with respect,
So, when your eulogy is being read
Stuck on a Speed Bump
I weighed myself this morning..... not impressed. I suppose I should have expected it, considering all the crap I have been eating and alcohol I have been drinking. I am up 3.5 lbs since my last weigh in, which was 2 weeks ago. Most likely it is just water/bloat, and will likely drop again once I start eating better. I did get to the gym yesterday, and had a good workout. I am going to try to get there at lunch today to do some cardio, but I will have to see how my work load is. Until then, here is my workout from yesterday....
Warm Up: Glute activation and hip mobility stuff
RDL 95/105/115/125/135lbs x 5
Leg Press 270 lbs x 8 x 3
Split Squat 75lbs x 12 x 2
Cable Cross Chop 15/20 lbs x 15
I finally got groceries, and had a chance to cook up a bunch of chicken last night. 2 o'clock in the morning I was woken up to the smell of my chicken cooking in the crockpot.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Doing What I Can
I did manage to get to the gym yesterday, which was much needed and felt great. Anger over the circumstances is great fuel for a workout. Diet has been a lost cause. Last night was the first night I slept in my own bed, and even at that, I didn't get home until nearly 9pm. I have had no time to replenish my chicken supply or chuck out the rotting salad fixings, or really do anything as far as food goes. And honestly, I am not sure when I will get a chance to stock up my supplies. However, my appetite has been minimal so I haven't been worrying too much about the crap I have been eating. There are some times, where worrying about calories and macros just doesn't seem important. As soon as I can get back on track, I will. Until then, I will do the best I can.
I think I may have missed posting a workout from last week.... Oh well, here is yesterday's;
Bent Over Flyes 10 x 12 x 3
Lying 1 arm DB Protractions 20 x 20 x 2
Pulldowns 75 x 12 x 2
Scap Push Up BW x 20 x 2
Military Press 45/50/55/60/60lbs x 5
Chin Ups 1 band x 5 x 5
Seated Row 90 x 8 x 3
Incline DB Press 27.5 lbs x 12 x 2
Poorboy Shoulder Horn 10 x 12 x 3
Saturday, January 17, 2009
A Lesson in the Alphabet
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I Can See Clearly Now the Rain is Gone
I did manage to get to the gym at lunch today and do a bit of cardio and I am heading back there after work to do my weights. As a bonus, Tay's dayhome called and asked if Tay could sleep over tonight and since Wes doesn't have to work tonight, we will actually get to spend some much needed time together. I think the plan is to go out for dinner, now I just have to make sure I make some smart choices from the menu. Hmmm, I wonder if a burger, fries and beer could be squeezed in.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Trying to be Wonder Woman
Monday, January 12, 2009
Ran Over by the Wagon Wheel
Sunday, January 11, 2009
My Oatmeal Pancakes
In a blender or food processor combine;
- 1/3 cup cottage cheese,
- 1/3 oatmeal and
- 3 egg whites.
- Sweeten to your preference. Whether you use sugar, splenda, agave nector, it doesn't really matter.
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon and
- 1/2 tsp vanilla.
Continue to mix until everything is smooth. Pour out pancakes onto hot griddle, sprayed with Pam. Cook on med-low. Flip when bottom is golden brown. You can eat them with your choice of syrop, regular or SF, fruit preserves etc. I really like to top mine with natural almond and hazelnut butter and SF syrop. Or, natural peanut butter and sugar free jam, then roll them up. Wrap in tinfoil or plastic wrap and you have a portable snack. This is how Tay likes them.
My family
Footloose and Fancy Free
Warm Up
Glute activation and hip mobility stuff
RDL 95/105/115/125/135 lbs x 5
Leg press 270 lbs x 8 x 3
Split Squat 75 x 12 x 2
Cable Cross Chop 25 lbs x 10 x 3
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Feeling Good
Warm Up
Bent over flyes 10 lbs x 12 x 3
Lying 1 arm scap protraction 20 lbs x 20 x 2
Pulldown 70 lbs 10 x 2
Scap push ups BW x 20 x 2
Military press 45/50/50/55/55 lbs x 5
Chin Ups I band x 5 x 5
Seated Cable Rows 80 lbs x 8 x 3
Incline DB press 25 lbs x 12 x 2
Poor boy shoulder horn 12.5 lbs x 10 x 2
Friday, January 9, 2009
lil of this, lil of that
I almost caved last night. Tay was packing her lunch for her first day of pre-school (which is today), and she pulled out the box of Wagon Wheels. She decided against a Wagon Wheel and left the damn thing on the counter. It haunted me. Every time I looked over, that is all I saw. I even check out the counts, just to see if it was possible to squeeze in. Ultimately, I decided against it. I knew I was hungry; it had been too long since my last meal, so I had some soup instead.
I am going to the gym tonight with one of my bestest friends. Afterwards, we are going to go out for dinner, somewhere healthy. She is watching her weight too, so that makes it easy to decide on a place to eat. I am looking forward to it; we haven’t seen each other in a while. Sometimes, January is nice. Everyone has their diet plans, which usually fall by the way side by mid-February. Today, at work we are having a “healthy” potluck lunch; which is nice, since there won’t be any junk to tempt me. I decided to make something I could eat, so I decided to make an Asian Chicken Salad. Other things that will be there include; veggies and dip, fruit, another salad, ‘almost’ FF tomato soup, and sherbet. I am kinda excited about it!
I have also joined a ski/snowboard club for women. My bestest friend from above, talked me into joining Chix on Stix. It is a way to meet other women who are learning the sport, so that we can all ride together. I have been snowboarding for about 9 years, and I suck. Suck. Very. Bad. I never had anyone to go with. Wes snowboards and we used to go together once or twice a year, but that is about all I ever went. He went with his friends more often and in general is just way more athletic then I ever will be, so he has become really good at it. For me, it is hard to make any gains when you only go a couple times a year. Then I got pregnant and I never had the time to go, so I sold all my stuff. Now I have a friend who is interested in trying it out, and since I suck so bad, I may as well learn all over again with her. Hmmm, maybe I can go on snowboard trips over the weekends now….. I just had to throw that in since Wes is leaving tomorrow morning to go snowboarding with a friend for the weekend. Lol
I am looking forward to this weekend somewhat. Tomorrow, Wes’s mom is going to meet me at Tay’s gymnastics class and take Tay for the afternoon. That will give me a chance to get to the gym and get groceries. Going to the gym and grocery shopping is, as far as I am concerned, the makings for a great afternoon. So, I am looking forward to the time to myself. Afterwards, I will pick up Tay and we girls will hang out for a bit until it is bed time. I just have to remember to bring some food along with me when I go out Saturday afternoon, otherwise I may end up grumbling…. Don’t want that.