Monday, February 9, 2009

It's Good to be Back

I had a great workout yesterday! I am doing a deload phase this week since I took last week off from training.


Band Pullaparts 12 x 2
Scap Push up 20 x 2
Behind Neck Band Pulldown 12 x 2
Skullcrusher (DB) 10 x 12 x 2

Bench Press 65/70/75 lbs x 5
Bentover BB Row 65/75/85 lbs x 5
Standing DB Shoulder Press 17.5 lbs x 8 x 2
Lat Pulldown 60 lbs x 12 x 2
Lateral Raise 10 lbs x 15 x 2

I even did 25 minutes on the treadmill! Ok, so it was just a brisk walk, but hey, I have to start somewhere. Plus, I did about 15 minutes of stretching which is just what my legs needed.

There is 2 months left in the challenge and I had better kick it into high gear. Of the 5 weeks so far, 2 have been close to a write off. Even so, I have not gained, but I am not losing either. I need to put more focus on getting cardio done more consistently, eating all my food for the day and drinking enough water.

As for cardio, I am going to make an effort to go during my lunch break at least 3 times a week, even if it is only for 20 minutes. I will aim for at least one HIIT session/week to start. The more I go to the gym, the more water I drink as well (as a rule), so this should also help boost my water intake. I also need to make a better effort to eat everything I am supposed to eat during the day. I have a tendency to forget to eat, or just choose not to because it doesn't really appeal to me and I am not overly hungry. I need to eat to increase my hunger. Sounds warped I know but, the more often you eat, the more your metabolism will speed up; therefore burning more fat, which is what I am wanting. I am tired of looking puffy, I want to be able to see my muscles! I realized yesterday, while I was at the gym, that the reason I think I look good while I workout is because my muscles are pumped, so you can actually see them. When I am not in the gym, I feel like I just look larger and puffy, because you can't see the muscle to know that my size is not fat, but actually muscle mass.

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