It has been a fairly long hiatus from blogging, I even contemplated scrapping the whole thing. However, I enjoy it so, we will give it a go once again. Life has done a total somersault and has landed me on my head, it has taken a while but I am slowly getting back on my feet. Not, of course, without a few trips and stumbles along the way. Training has been sporadic for the past few months, between moving, illness and life in general I have been slow to get back on track. However, it seems like I am getting there once again. Diet.... well, suffice it to say it needs work. On the bright side, I have lost about 15lbs, sadly I think a lot of that is muscle. I have been slow to bring my weights back up, jumped in too quickly and crippled myself for nearly a week! Lesson learned.
My focus for now is to clean up my diet and eat more protein, become more consistent with my training and work on getting more cardio done. I also need to focus on using my foam roller on my legs and stretching more as I am starting to have issues with my knees once again. Hmmm, I think it may be time to visit my massage therapist once again!
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