Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Lesson in the Alphabet

A is for Avalanche that took the life of Wes's best friend yesterday.

B is for my Best friend, who is a new widow.

C is for Colon and also for Cancer, of which Wes's mom recently overcame, but now her boyfriend has been diagnosed.

D is for Death, and frankly I am sick of it.

RIP Ryan.


  1. Oh Dani! I am SO sorry to hear about all of this. I saw Wes' status on FB and thought I would check out your blog.
    SO, So sorry! I will keep you all in my prayers. Be strong.


  2. OMG to say that I am sorry just isn't enough. I am grateful that Wes wasn't with him this time. And about "the boyfriend", that too is just not fair especially after dealing with Wes's mom so recently. SO sorry.

  3. Thankyou for being you....all my love babe!! You are making a impossible sitiuation possible to make it through!!
