Yes, I am alive! Things have been pretty crazy busy lately and I have so much to say. A few weeks ago, the company I work for announced that they are splitting into two separate companies. We were all told that this was an opportunity for growth, a good thing, and we were all guaranteed to keep our jobs. The only change would be that some departments that currently serve both units, will have to be split. So, in the end the only change to our jobs would be; which company we work for and where our desks were located. Because I work in Accounts Payable, I am in one of the departments that will be greatly affected by this split. Our team will be divided into two groups; one group per company. We were told that we would know which company we would be working for within a weeks time. A week passed and then we were told that we would not know until the end of June. I suppose I should also add that this split is to be effect July 2nd. Talk about giving us notice! At this time we were informed that there was a possibility that some positions may be cut. That didn't really sit all too well with me. But so be it, nothing I can do. In the meantime, there was a lot of work to do to get ready for the split, so overtime had been approved. I have been working as much overtime as I can get in and banking all the hours. Once July comes around and if I still have a job, then I will end up with extra days off. If I find myself unemployed, then I will be paid out the banked overtime which would help pay cover some bills. I was also just informed this week that the holidays that I had booked for the beginning of July have been cancelled. I expected it. The timing on my holidays is not exactly ideal considering the split is to happen on July 2nd. In any event, I have been spending more time at work and less time in the gym.
As I mentioned I have not been to the gym much lately, nor have I been training for my 10km run as much as I should be either. I did manage to get a great deal on a used treadmill which arrived this past Tuesday. However, I have yet to try the thing out. I really need to get my act together on this, but with all the overtime I have been working I have been so tired by the time I get home, the thought of going for a run is not as appealing. Speaking of the race, I have almost met my target of raising $500! I am expecting a few more pledges so I am positive I will make it. In case anyone needs a refresher of what this race is for, it is to raise money for cancers below the waist. This is something that I feel fairly strongly about since
Wes's mom and her boyfriend have both been diagnosed with
colorectal cancer. Both have been treated, and so far his mom has been cleared. Unfortunately, we recently found out her boyfriend has not been so lucky. So if anyone would like to
donate to a great cause, you can sponsor me here! Switching gears here, 'summer' is on its way and that means gardening! I use the term 'summer' loosely as the weather has not been exactly stellar. This is only my second year planting a vegetable garden so I am still learning. I had always heard that you should have everything planted by May long weekend; so this is what I did. Two days later this is what I woke up to....

I covered all my plants with coffee cans in an attempt to prevent them from freezing. However the forecast for the following days was near freezing, so I left them covered. Once the temperatures turned around I removed the cans and was happy to see everything had made it. The plants were a little wilted as they needed watering, so I watered them. Within the following two days, they went downhill. Turns out keeping them covered from the frost and snow was one thing, however plants also need light! My tomatoes ended up looking like dead sticks, the basil was toast and my lettuce looked pretty pathetic. I refused to pull the plants without at least TRYING to get them to come back. The basil is gone, the lettuce has recovered and I see new growth on the tomatoes. Hopefully, they will actually produce something! If all goes well, I should have a nice crop of tomatoes, lettuce, swiss chard, zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, peas, dill, thyme and cilantro. As long as I can keep Mister Diamond from using my garden as his personal litter box, all should go well!
Well, my little darling Taylor has been hounding me to use the computer, so I will sign off for now and I promise not to wait so long for my next post!
What a relief. I was starting to go into DT's. ANd thanks again for posting that link. I kept forgetting. Bad case of mommy brain.
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