Saturday, December 27, 2008

Catching up with the wagon

I had a fantastic Christmas this year. I got everything on my wish list; Wes spoiled me with an iPod Classic and a KitchenAid Mixer. I also got a food sealer that I was wanting for all the chicken and rice I pre-cook. My other favorite gift is the Eat-Clean Diet Cookbook. It was a stocking stuffer (did I mention I fill my own stocking?). All the recipes contain good carbs, protein and low/er fat. It also has a good selection of gluten free recipes. I am excited to try out some recipes. Of course one of the first things I do when I get a cookbook is to go through it and flag any recipes that I would like to try. I always struggle with breakfast. I don't care for cereal or sweet things for breakfast, I prefer something salty; toast, bagel or something like that. I can't stand egg whites, the only way I like eggs is when I can dunk my toast into the runny yolk. I was happy to see the Eat Clean Diet Cookbook has a lot of breakfast ideas that actually appeal to me.

I have spent the last couple days going through the book and planning out meals and daily menus that fit in with my allotted calories and macros. I have started putting together my grocery list so that I have everything on hand that I will need and therefore less likely to fall for something that is less then ideal, Mac and Cheese comes to mind.

Today, Wes and I are taking Tay to her grandma's for the afternoon/night. We are going to go to the gym together, then dinner or something. I always feel my best when I am in the gym, yet Wes and I never work out together, so I kinda feel like he doesn't get to see me at my best. I have asked if would could make an effort to go to the gym together once a week. We both like to work out, so this is something we can do together.

Boy, it feels good to back on track again!

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