Monday, December 29, 2008

And the verdict is.....

As I was making my soup last night, the thought occurred to me, what if I don't like it? The recipe made a large pot of it, and even if I did like it, chances are I am going to be the only one eating it. Good thing this soup KICKS ASS! The suggested serving size is 1 cup, but it is so thick, I can barely finish half a cup. This recipe is a keeper fo sho! I am still a little unsure of what I think about the crockpot porridge. I think I like it, but it needs something. If I could figure out what that something is, I think I could really like it. I'm thinking maple syrup, or adding apples to it.....

Trained today, and for some reason I was really tired throughout my workout. I didn't feel very strong either. Weak and tired. My diet was spot on today, so I am wondering if this is sugar withdrawals.......

Bentover flyes 10 x 12 x 3
Lying one arm DB scap protractions 20 x 20 x 2
Lat Pulldown 75 x 12 x 2
Scap Push Up BW x 20 x 2

Military press 45/50/55/60/60 x 5
Chin ups 1 band x 5 x 4 (I was shocked at how pathetic this was. I was doing chin ups, without the aid of bands, fairly easily before. Looks like I have more work then I thought before I reach my goal of unassisted pull ups (5 x 5). )
Seated Cable Row 75 x 8 x 3
Incline DB Press 25 x 12 x 2
Poorboy Shoulder Horn 10 x 15 x 2

Diet was 90% today. I missed my last meal, and had a few nibbles of treats. Likely, the calories ended up fairly close to my goal, just the macros would be messed. Love the soup!



  1. Could you post the soup recipe?

  2. I plan on it, just ran out of time last night to do it.
