Monday, May 4, 2009


Or I suppose I could say, Catch Up. I have missed posting a couple workouts, so here they are...

Workout of Tuesday, April 28

Hip Mobility and Glute Activation Stuff

Full Squat 115/125/135/145/155lbs x 5 (I think this is a personal record for me)

Barbell High Step Ups 65 lbs x 8 x 3

Leg Press 270lbs x 10 x 2

Med Ball Crunch 15 x 3

Workout for Sunday, May 3

Bent over Flyes 10lbs x 12 x 3

Lying 1-Arm DB Protractions 20 lbs x 20 x 2

Pull down 75 lbs x 12 x 2

Scap Push Up 20 x 2

Military Press 45/55/60/65/70 lbs x 5

I think I used up all my energy on my presses, because everything else sucked.

Chin Up BW x 5 x 4 (Was supposed to do 5 sets, but couldn't get the last set out)

Seated Cable Row 90 lbs x 8 x 3

Incline DB Press 2o lbs x 12 x 2

Shoulder Roll 10 x 3

I finally made it outside to run. My friend came over on Saturday and we went for a run after dinner. Bad idea. We did about 30 minutes and I am going to guess around 2km. My Nike+iPod sensor said 3.36km, but I have not calibrated it to my stride yet. I could have gone further, but I was getting such bad acid reflux every time we would start running, I had to stop. I knew running after eating was not the best idea. Anyway, aside from the reflux, the run went pretty good. My friend and I run well together, since we both have short legs, but dang do my calves hurt. I have been stretching and massaging them for the past two days. I even found myself massaging them in my sleep. My massage therapist has started massaging my calves and let me tell you, that hurts like nothing else! I thought getting your glutes worked on was bad, but I think this just about takes the cake, for me at least. I have never really had my calves massaged, and I never really liked it, but I can see that I am going to have to get past that because they are pretty tight and tender.

Overall, I had a great weekend. On Friday, a friend and I went for dinner then to see a play. We had both seen the playbill for this play last fall and commented that we would really like to see it. So for her birthday in February, I bought us tickets. It was a great play. Afterwards, we met up with a bunch of our friends at a bar for a few drinks. The weather this weekend was great too. We were able to spent most of the weekend in the yard. Yesterday, I did yard work from 9:00AM to 3:30 PM, Wes stayed out longer. The yard looks really good and I got a bit of color too.

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