The Journey to Becoming a Yummy Mommy
I love to workout. I love going to the gym and challenging myself and my body. I have been interested in fitness and weight training for nearly 10 years. In that time I have learned a lot, most of which seems to go against popular belief. I am always on the lookout for new "diet" friendly recipes that are also family friendly. This blog is about me, my training, my "diet" experiments and finding a balance between the gym, my family and work.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Up Up and AWAY!
Still training, however I have been doing a deload program this month to give my knees a bit of a break. I did manage to get in with a massage therapist and have another appointment tomorrow. It helped a bit, but I know I need to do more work on my end.
I also signed up for the Sport Chek Mother's Day 10KM Run. I am also thinking of signing up for a half marathon. I think I can do it. After the Mother's Day run, I will have done 1 8km and 2 10km races, I think I could probably tackle the challenge or a half marathon.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Rock Hard Pistols
I made it to the gym January 1st, it was pretty quiet with the exception of a few die hards. Had a great workout, although my knees let me know it was time for a break. Good timing since I hate going to the gym for the first three weeks of the year. All the resolutioners just take up space and get in my way. You know damn well that by the end of the month half of them will have given up, by the end of February you are lucky to find a handful that actually stuck with it. Sometimes I just want to yell at them to get out of my gym now and not even bother. But instead I just keep my iPod on and impatiently wait for them to finish so that I can get my workout done.
My knees have really been bothering me ever since my last workout, so I finally got my butt in gear and made an appointment for a massage. I used my foam roller a bit over the weekend and it hurt like a mo' fo, so I didn't do it for long. A few months back, I ordered the DVD Yoga Conditioning for Athletes. I am by no means an athlete, but I am hoping it will help me with the issues I have with my knees. Otherwise, I fear that all this training will cause me to be a complete cripple by the time I am 50! However, I suppose a good start would be to take the plastic wrap off the DVD.
Here is a list of things I am planning on working on this year:
- Start running again
- Read more - I never seem to find the time to read, even though I love it
- Paint/draw more - again, never seem to find the time
- I guess I should add that I need to organize my time better too!
- Try at least one new "clean" recipe a month
- Eat more protein
- Drink more water
- Pick up the guitar again
Geesh, just thinking of what to put in this list gets me a little overwhelmed....
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Waiting for the end, to be able to start again
At the beginning of this year, I felt that this was going to be a year of change. Well, turns out I was right, unfortunately the change was not what I expected. In fact so much has changed in my life one could say it is the beginning of a new life. 2009 has been a year of crap and turmoil and I am anxious for it to be over. I have been lucky in that I still have my health and those I love still have theirs. My life is only as good as I make it to be, so my plan for 2010 is to start focusing on me, doing things that make me happy and making my life the best it can be. I believe that nothing but good can come from this. It is so easy to float through life and let others influence your happiness, but ultimately true happiness comes from within. Pretty deep thoughts for this early in the morning!
With that in mind, I am looking forward to the new year and have high hopes for what it will bring. I do not believe in New Years Resolutions, I prefer to set goals and I plan on spending these last few weeks of this year deciding which goals I should work towards and how I plan on achieving them. For one, I want to start running again. It has always been a dream of mine to be able to run a marathon, not sure I will be able to reach this goal this year, but maybe I could aim for a half marathon. I also want to get back into drawing and painting. I have done a little in the last few months, but I would like to do more. And damnit! I want to be able to bench at least 100lbs! So close, yet so far still...
Monday, November 9, 2009
Picking Myself Up and Dusting Off
My focus for now is to clean up my diet and eat more protein, become more consistent with my training and work on getting more cardio done. I also need to focus on using my foam roller on my legs and stretching more as I am starting to have issues with my knees once again. Hmmm, I think it may be time to visit my massage therapist once again!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
She's ALIVE!
I covered all my plants with coffee cans in an attempt to prevent them from freezing. However the forecast for the following days was near freezing, so I left them covered. Once the temperatures turned around I removed the cans and was happy to see everything had made it. The plants were a little wilted as they needed watering, so I watered them. Within the following two days, they went downhill. Turns out keeping them covered from the frost and snow was one thing, however plants also need light! My tomatoes ended up looking like dead sticks, the basil was toast and my lettuce looked pretty pathetic. I refused to pull the plants without at least TRYING to get them to come back. The basil is gone, the lettuce has recovered and I see new growth on the tomatoes. Hopefully, they will actually produce something! If all goes well, I should have a nice crop of tomatoes, lettuce, swiss chard, zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, peas, dill, thyme and cilantro. As long as I can keep Mister Diamond from using my garden as his personal litter box, all should go well!
Well, my little darling Taylor has been hounding me to use the computer, so I will sign off for now and I promise not to wait so long for my next post!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Oh, it is the middle of May and it snowed last night. I just love living here.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Head in the Sand
Workout for Wednesday
Hip mobility and glute activation
RDL 115/125/135/145/165lbs x 5 (Definitely a personal record here)
Leg Press 270 lbs x 10 x 3
Split Squat 75 lbs x 12 x 2 - need to up my weight next time
Standing Cable Crunches 70/80/80lbs x 10
Cardio has been a complete joke this week, so has the diet end too. I am looking at buying a treadmill because I cannot seem to get the time to get out and run. If I don't pull up my socks I am going to fall flat on my face at the 4 km mark.