Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Late Start

Ug, woke up 3 hours late today! Luckily I made it in to work only an hour late. I hate getting up late, I feel so disorganized and have a hard time getting started. As such, I did not have a chance to make a lunch or breakfast or anything, so today will be a write off in the food department. Plus, being New Years Eve, we are going to Wes's brother's for fondu and drinks, so it is pretty much a guarantee that my "diet" would have gone right out the window. May as well start now then! (as I write this I am having a Tim Horton's coffee and bagel.... donut to follow)

Trained yesterday. It was good.

Glute activation and hip mobility work

Deadlifts 95/105/115/125/135lbs x 5
Leg Press 270lbs x 8 x 3
Calf Press 270lbs x 10 x 2
Bulgarian Squats (DB) 25lbs x 12 x 2
Medicine Ball Twist 6lbs x 15 x 2

1 comment:

  1. OMG I would kill for a Tim Hortons extra large coffee with double cream and a toasted 12 grain bagel with strawberry cream cheese. Oh man I think I just dripped some drool on my shirt.
