Not doing so well with this blogging thing this time around, but I will make an effort to get back on it. The gym has been going well and I can feel my strength coming back, albeit verrrrry slowly. It would likely help if I actually ATE something, however my appetite seems to have taken a hiatus. I was at the gym last week and was wearing something I haven't worn in a while, as I walked past a mirror I was shocked at my reflection. I knew I had lost weight, I mean none of my pants fit and a dress I bought at the end of the summer literally hangs off of me like a potato sack, but I guess I never really realized just how much I lost until I saw myself. I wish I could say that my weight loss is a result of hard work, but I can't. Constant stress has my heart racing 24/7 and my complete lack of appetite are more likely the cause. I am afraid that once things settle down in my life, the weight will start creeping back on. In fact, I know it will. I suppose the best plan of attack is to play defense and clean things up now. Ok, well after the holidays maybe, that in itself brings a lot of stress to the best of people.
At the beginning of this year, I felt that this was going to be a year of change. Well, turns out I was right, unfortunately the change was not what I expected. In fact so much has changed in my life one could say it is the beginning of a new life. 2009 has been a year of crap and turmoil and I am anxious for it to be over. I have been lucky in that I still have my health and those I love still have theirs. My life is only as good as I make it to be, so my plan for 2010 is to start focusing on me, doing things that make me happy and making my life the best it can be. I believe that nothing but good can come from this. It is so easy to float through life and let others influence your happiness, but ultimately true happiness comes from within. Pretty deep thoughts for this early in the morning!
With that in mind, I am looking forward to the new year and have high hopes for what it will bring. I do not believe in New Years Resolutions, I prefer to set goals and I plan on spending these last few weeks of this year deciding which goals I should work towards and how I plan on achieving them. For one, I want to start running again. It has always been a dream of mine to be able to run a marathon, not sure I will be able to reach this goal this year, but maybe I could aim for a half marathon. I also want to get back into drawing and painting. I have done a little in the last few months, but I would like to do more. And damnit! I want to be able to bench at least 100lbs! So close, yet so far still...